Economics Experimental Lab










经济学与科学博士(2015. 08 – 2020. 07),弗吉尼亚理工大学,美国

经济学硕士(2013. 08 – 2015. 05),犹他大学,美国

经济学学士(2009. 08 – 2013. 05),浙江大学,中国



1. Zhang, X*., Jin, S., Chen, X., Li, H., Wang, J., & Yan, S. (2024). From lab to life: Decoding the predictive power of present bias on adolescent self-control behaviors. Economics Letters, 111516.

2. Wang, W., Zhao, X., Zhang, X., Liu, Y., & Yuan, P. (2023). Entrepreneurs’ role overload and empowering leadership: A reciprocal relationship based on conservation of resources. Frontiers in Psychology14, 1118099.

3. Li, H., Zhang, X*., Jin, S., Sun, Y., Ma, D., & Wang, C. (2023). The Impact of the Macroeconomic Environment on Social Preferences: Evidence from the Global Preference Survey. Behavioral Sciences13(8), 648.

4. Li. H. & Zhang, X.* (2023) Deciphering the Influence of the Macroeconomic Environment on Economic Preferences: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Global Preferences Survey. Finance Research Letters, 57: 104198

5. Wu, N., Zhang, X., & Zhou, W. (2023). The impacts of superstition on risk preferences and beliefs: Evidence from the Chinese zodiac year. China Economic Review81, 102043.

6. Zhang, X*., & Wang, W. (2021). The impact of China's One-Child Policy on economic preferences: a regression discontinuity design. Economics Bulletin41(4), 2300-2308.

7. Li, F., Ball, S., Zhang, X., & Smith, A. (2020). Focal stimulation of the temporoparietal junction improves rationality in prosocial decision-making. Scientific Reports10(1), 20275.


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